Sunday, October 31, 2010

Joshua's Birthday and MVP

Joshua had his 8th Birthday on the 25th. Cody took him for the weekend on a man trip to Waco and they watched Baylor beat KSU. Then he got what he wanted for so long a BB/Pellet gun! Yes I know what y'all are all thinking bad choice. Wednesday I received a call from the school his stomach hurt and he needed to come home. I went picked him up and he came home and slept all afternoon. Went back to school on Thursday feeling fine. I told him Friday night I was glad he was feeling better he said "I had BB gun fever." ?What? He then said "That's why my stomach hurt all that pumping his gun made his tummy hurt."

Aidan and his teammates played in a football tournament this past weekend called the monster bowl. They lost both games. There was a small highlight, ok big one. Aidan was awarded the MVP award, one of three, for the tournament for showing sportmanship and Christian attitude. I was very proud of him. They might have not given it to him if they knew the crazy women in the stands yelling was his mom. :)

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